Best free website software/host


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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UK - England
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
*note this has nothing to do with photography*

So I know there are free web resources out there and I was wondering if any could recommend a setup. I'm looking for something that could be used to manage a website that allows;

1) An organised series of articles broken up into a specific page per article (likely any web software can do this bit fairly easily). Articles would include images and text. Ideally each page would also support a gallery of images (separate to article images) relating specifically to that subject.

2) Allow independent users to register on the site with an account and gain the following abilities on the site;
a) Ability to add commentary to the above mentioned articles.
b) Ability to add photos to the subject gallery.
c) Ability to leave comments on individual photos within the gallery.

3) Multiple levels of admin/moderator control to allow proofing of comments before appearance and maintenance of gallery comments for spam removal.

At present I'm not looking to run a forum structure, although I'm aware that a forum could be used to run such a system for the most part. Ideally a forum would be a bolt-on attachment (in an ideal world thus allowing users to not register twice) although its primary intent is to be a resource for use rather than a discussion group.

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There are lots of WordPress themes which will meet all your admin & moderating requirements; free server space might be the issue, especially if you want a distinct domain name (that is, one that does not have the service's name embedded such as www. overreadswebsite.weebly .com).
Hmm seems building software for the site is free to get from a few options - but the actual hosting is more tricky; it seems there are blog-sites (which might work with what I've got in mind sort of) which offer free hosting; but most other hosts seem to require fees (a few of the free ones that google throws up seem to have either not had updates in years or a suspect/sound risky).
Never ever ever use free hosting space.
Never ever ever?


:p sounds like this project might best start off through a blog interface - least ways I can get most of it to work that way and then if it proves popular enough consider shifting it to a more custom website on a dedicated host

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