Bigtime pre-session jitters


TPF Noob!
Oct 3, 2007
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Roanoke, VA
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I am getting so nervous! Today will be the first time that I have photographed people that don't know me in anyway. My stomach is doing flip-flops! :pale:
bah, you wouldn't have taken the job had you not thought you could do it.

but i know the feeling.. goodluck sir

Well, I'm off...
Well, turns out there was nothing to be nervous about because the session never even happened. :er:

The guy had a church meeting 45 minutes away that was supposed to be over at 2pm and it didnt end until about 4pm at which time the clouds had rolled in and it started sprinkling.

I was downtown around 2:30 just walking around and getting an idea of where I wanted to take them, waiting on them to call when they were on there way. The girl finally called me at 3:30 to let me know what was going on.

We are going to try tomorrow, but they have church in the morning and evening so we have about a 3 hour window and not at the greatest time of day. Im praying for clouds sans rain again tomorrow.
Aww no way. Nevermind,hopefully you have a few more ideas now and it'll be something to laugh about tmoz. At least it wasnt you letting them down.
Good luck for tmoz!
I think you are super talented, you will do great. I have one tomorrow...I know them and I am still nervous, but I am so new to photography I know I one else knows, I think I am afraid my friends will find out how much I actually suck lol
Thanks Emerana! :) I've seen your threads and you definitely don't suck! You will do fine. Do you shoot in RAW? That has been a lifesaver for me while I'm still learning. The hardest thing for me to do is boost my ISO if necessary so that I can use a higher F-stop. I'm always afraid I'm going to get grain but I've learned on here I'd much rather be in focus.

Good luck on yours!
yep, raw. big helper that is true. I always think I do worse then I think I do. I am really looking forward to getting a real comp. Mine broke and I do all my editing on a 11 inch laptop screen.

Thanks for saying I dont suck, lol. I have a long ways to go thats for sure :)
I have a long ways to go thats for sure :)

We all do! Man, 11inch screen - that's gotta suck. See I always do worse than I think I do. :greenpbl:
My screen is also 11 inch, but its a tablet =)

and i get it through school and it has a 80 gb HD that i get to use so i dont bog down home comp =)
well now what is the difference between tablet and lap top? My daughter has ripped off half my keys too...its driving me nuts. any day now my husband is going to get arounnd to ordering the new comp/

ajay, loved the jam session photos on your blog.
do what i do when i get nervous......i have the models strip down to their underwear, then i drive off and leave em......:lol:

Ajay you will do fine. you have talent. just relax because you know what to do. you've done it a hundred times. just take lots of pics and act professional and never let them see you sweat(hmm...there's an idea for an antiperspirant commercial)
Emerana - thanks! I had so much fun the night I took those.

That one guy - I appreciate the confidence boost! Honestly after what happened today the nerves have kind of disappeared. After being stood up by them, I feel like some of the pressure has been lifted. Plus this is a portfolio building session for me. They are paying me, but not much at all. I always loved doing couples at the studios I've worked at so this should be ten times better and more fun. I think honestly what I'm worried about most is pacing myself and not using all of my ideas in the first 20 minutes!
you are very welcome!!

please post some pics when you are done. i always enjoy seeing your work :)

Aww, thanks.

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