BJIF and a Kestrel


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Mar 24, 2012
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Old Saybrook, CT
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Saw a bunch of Blue Jays flying around this morning. I decided to play around with them.. Thanks for looking and comments welcome..

Blue Jay in flight 10_14 3 by Kristofer Rowe, on Flickr

Blue Jay in flight 10_14 2 by Kristofer Rowe, on Flickr

Blue Jay in flight 10_14 1 by Kristofer Rowe, on Flickr

Blue Jay in flight 10_14 4 by Kristofer Rowe, on Flickr

5 I was super psyched about this one. These little raptors are freaking fast. 1 and done...
American Kestrel Liftoff 10_14 by Kristofer Rowe, on Flickr
Okay now you are just showing off. :biglaugh: 1 & 3 are my favorites and it has nothing to do with the color of the background and it's Bough Kay :ambivalence::biggrin-new:
#3 is awesome the way the far side wing is splayed open.

Maybe you can post some of your crappy shots so we know you are human like the rest of us:D
Excellent! The kestrel is super cool, but #1 is my favorite by quite a large margin.
I'm still convinced Kestrel are related to leprechauns and unicorns so that must be a fake ;)
Okay now you are just showing off. :biglaugh: 1 & 3 are my favorites and it has nothing to do with the color of the background and it's Bough Kay :ambivalence::biggrin-new:
But, but Bough Kay is spelt Bouquet :p

#3 is awesome the way the far side wing is splayed open.

Maybe you can post some of your crappy shots so we know you are human like the rest of us:D
I'm actually a bot.. Don't worry, in the words of Tony Northrup, take tons of pictures and delete most of them :)
I'm still convinced Kestrel are related to leprechauns and unicorns so that must be a fake ;)
Lol, more real than Nikon announcing a pro DX camera.... :)
Still waiting on that D400 announcement lol
I'm still convinced Kestrel are related to leprechauns and unicorns so that must be a fake ;)

those are fictional creatures, i think kris has a machine that generates holograms of birds, that is how he gets all those good photos.. :biggrinangelA: crisp yet so crisp.

I think the blue jay shots are brilliant...great color, great use of DOF...right on the money. Personally however I just don't care for the kestrel's a great head-on pose, however the nearly pure white back ground just severely detracts from the image IMO. Likewise, the shot seems to lack the sharp focus of the other images, particularly around the kestrel's face. I also find the strong side lighting to be rather distracting...although I'm not really sure if it's a matter of how the shot was processed or if it was simply over-exposed (hard to tell). You're correct in that these are insanely fast birds and the shot looks like a good attempt, however compared with the others, to me it really comes up short.
Great shots as always Kris! Comparatively speaking do you find it any more or less difficult in shooting these guys as opposed to your osprey? I assume the smaller birds would be a little tougher just because I would think they are quicker.
The Jays...does this post have anything at all to do with how well Toronto is doing in major league baseball?

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