Black Cabin in the Woods


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 25, 2013
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Denver, Colorado
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Let me just say that I think I'm absolute rubbish at B&W. I can never seem to get it "right." Here's a picture I took today of a cabin in the woods on my hike at RMNP. Let me know what you think, including if you like it, crops and tones. I went for the "creepy/old cabin" feel and like the diagonal lines. Thanks again!
I like it a lot. The crop and tones. Well done, do you have this inn color that you can share?
That cabin might work a whole lot better without the overpowering name tag right below's too much and definitely in the wrong place to view the merits of the cabin's placement within those diagonals.
That cabin might work a whole lot better without the overpowering name tag right below's too much and definitely in the wrong place to view the merits of the cabin's placement within those diagonals.

Point taken! When I get home I can export another out of LR with a different tag! I only put it there because the grass gave me an area to do so without covering up the brush and stuff in the right corner.
I like it a lot. The crop and tones. Well done, do you have this inn color that you can share?

I actually took it from the RAW file and worked it up in LR as a black and white, but I may work it up in color as well! I appreciate the comments!
Any other suggestions for a good black and white?
Any other suggestions for a good black and white?

A good starting point is go into PS channel mixer click monochrome and put these values in 68, 24, 8

Here's an example shot on slide film

and then add 68,24,8 in channel mixer, nothing else
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Gary, that looks great! I actually don't have PS :(, just LR5. Do you have any advice for LR?

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