BlacknWhite with selected Colour???


TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Australia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I saw in the photo themes section that this was a recent topic...I think it looks awesome! Is this done in Photoshop? Ive just got photoshop and only know how to click the icon and get into knowledge stops here :(

Please tell me its easy to do...well at least dont tell me its difficult :D
Bafana said:
:oops: Ive found the section for this...dont mind me.

That's ok.... :LOL: I was just gonna tell ya, we don't do PS in the "alternative photographic techniques" section. The operative work here being "photographic". :wink:

Go have fun! :D
and the answer to your question is yes. I attempted to try it, unsuccesfully on a rose. Ive been using photoshop for 3 years. Although it was about that time ago I tried that. But I shouldnt imagine it to be that hard. You need to selcts the area you want in colour, make it a new layer and desaturate everything else, unless you want to give it a single tone?
mistakendavis said:
i am crazy...

Don't say it like it's a bad thing, MistakenDavis.... :wink: [Off topic] I've always enjoyed your handcolored images. You do good work. [end off topic] :D

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