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Border or NO border on retail prints?


TPF Noob!
Oct 16, 2008
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I am not really a newbie. I've been a professional photographer for many years. However, I am totally new to the art-show and retail market on selling my prints. I have noticed that some photographers already add a 1/4" to 1/2" border on their print and others do not. Which is right? Which is standard (if there is one) and what are the pros/cons for the consumer/myself?
Personally, I prefer images that take advantage of the full paper -- making them larger than having the border. But, do some photographer's add a border so that their images are easier to frame / mat? I know custom mats can be created but then again some customers may buy pre-made standard mats that may not work well with full bleed prints. Also, if you recommend a border, then how wide should it be? 1/4", 1/2"?
I appreciate your replies and please elaborate as much as possible in your replies (pros and cons and why you prefer one method over the other).
Thank you
I think it depends on what your trying to achieve and what your market is. Presentation is very much part of the job of an image maker and as such it's really down to you.
As a consumer, if I'm buying a photo to frame, such as an 8x10 or larger, I don't want a border on it because I might lose too much of the shot by the time it got to a wall...

If it's a smaller 4x6 or post card size, I don't care as much..

I see that the photographer tends to use the frame nowadays to put their ads and names etc... but I think that it looks classier, and a bit more professional, to have the name in the traditional lower right in a subdued color..

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