Bored kitty


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Sep 2, 2003
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We're on our third straight day of rain, and the cats are getting a mite stir-crazy.

This morning, nothing could get Bex away from the kitchen window, where just outside the birds were flocking to the feeder in the rain. (Had to bring in my herbs and crowd them on the table so they wouldn't drown!)

Nice picture, adorable kitty.
Yeah....know that's been cold here, and going outside hasn't been much fun.
yes its been raining here to, but tomorrow suppose to be sunny and 51 degrees.:clap:
Dunkan Fife table.
Ron, I had to google that since I'd never heard of it. I guess I'd be very lucky if it were an actual Duncan Phyfe vintage table, eh? :) I suppose it's possible: my husband and I took it from his parents when they moved, and they hadn't treated it well. To hear them tell it, they had picked it up at some secondhand furniture store years and years ago, and it didn't come with any chairs so they purchased their own (which never quite matched!). It's not a drop-leaf, but it does have the brass casters on the feet, and had an extension leaf for the center. I sanded it down and re-stained it years ago, and polished the brass feet with Brasso, bought better-matching chairs, and it has looked gorgeous ever since.

Thanks for that info!
yes its been raining here to, but tomorrow suppose to be sunny and 51 degrees.:clap:

That's where we (finally) are today, but supposedly the bottom's gonna drop out on the temps by this weekend - even some snow in the forecast! :eek:
I like the window lighting. Very Norman Rockwell-ish. Today was gorgeous out here. Drove to wine country for a great day of eating and tasting. The night brings rain.

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