C&C - Half Empty


Recovering TPF Junkie
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2010
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San Jose, CA
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I'm interested to see how this is received. Once again I find myself amidst the shadows of depression and rather than let myself get down, I'm trying to find ways to express it through visual communication. I took this today after having a day that felt very 'half empty,' and I thought a literal portrayal of the expression would suit it well. The exposure was deliberate. C&C is greatly appreciated.


33/365: by theofficialtevo, on Flickr
If that's vodka inside I can understand your depression :lol:.But if you really feel that way you portrayed it, I hope you will come out of it real quick as it looks not pretty.
Great idea for a series, and the shot conveys your idea. Hope the glass fills up soon!
If your day is only half empty, you are better off than most.
Well technically its still full, even if the other half is air and not water :)
I too am ready for more sunlight and some warmth.

Try setting it up again and drop some blue food coloring in just before taking the shot. The idea is darkness seeping through what's left.

Man, I need some sunlight.....
Aw, dude, you're so young to be bumming out. I hope you get a laugh out of this photo of me, shot with a Canon 5D and 24-105-L zoom, in Cartoon Mode. (.CR2 file processed in Adobe Lightroom, minor levels, no color adjustment, and with it sharpened to the MAX. Just LOOK at that 24-105 L's fine detail rendering capability at f/5.6!!! Sweet, huh!!!)

I've had this shot around for a long time, and it just seemed to me like it might be a good post to bust out with some of my sharpest Canon shots! Maybe help my forum buddy feel better, you know?

$Derrel_cup half full.jpg
The exposure was deliberate. C&C is greatly appreciated.

So you meant to give it half the exposure that it needed. Was this to portray a mood or to go along with the theme of "half"? Simply under exposing is not a good way to show mood, moody dramatic lighting works much better.
So you meant to give it half the exposure that it needed. Was this to portray a mood or to go along with the theme of "half"? Simply under exposing is not a good way to show mood, moody dramatic lighting works much better.

I was going for the dark gray and black tones, not as an extension of the theme.
Aw, dude, you're so young to be bumming out. I hope you get a laugh out of this photo of me, shot with a Canon 5D and 24-105-L zoom, in Cartoon Mode. (.CR2 file processed in Adobe Lightroom, minor levels, no color adjustment, and with it sharpened to the MAX. Just LOOK at that 24-105 L's fine detail rendering capability at f/5.6!!! Sweet, huh!!!)

I've had this shot around for a long time, and it just seemed to me like it might be a good post to bust out with some of my sharpest Canon shots! Maybe help my forum buddy feel better, you know?

<img src="http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=65952"/>

Idk, at 800% zoom the corners look a tad soft. :sexywink:
Aw, dude, you're so young to be bumming out. I hope you get a laugh out of this photo of me, shot with a Canon 5D and 24-105-L zoom, in Cartoon Mode. (.CR2 file processed in Adobe Lightroom, minor levels, no color adjustment, and with it sharpened to the MAX. Just LOOK at that 24-105 L's fine detail rendering capability at f/5.6!!! Sweet, huh!!!)

I've had this shot around for a long time, and it just seemed to me like it might be a good post to bust out with some of my sharpest Canon shots! Maybe help my forum buddy feel better, you know?

<img src="http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/attachments/black-white-gallery/65952-c-c-half-empty-derrel_cup-half-full.jpg"/>

Idk, at 800% zoom the corners look a tad soft. :sexywink:

Damnit--that lens is going BACK!!!!!!!!! I can't have soft corners at 800% zoom!!!! I've got pixels to peep!!

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