C&C - Lunch


Recovering TPF Junkie
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2010
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San Jose, CA
Can others edit my Photos
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I'm rather proud of these shots, I would greatly appreciate some C&C. I found that it was more effective to convey what was happening with a series of photos rather than just one.


Lunch by theofficialtevo, on Flickr
I think you need to crop a little closer, to emphasis.

I agree. I already cropped these pretty heavily, so I was reluctant to go any further. Once I find some spare cash I'm going to buy a 1.4x/1.7x tele for this type of stuff. Even with the 300 and a crop sensor these guys were far away... which was exactly what I had read online about bird photography: "You won't be close enough. Period"
I think you need to crop a little closer, to emphasis.

I agree. I already cropped these pretty heavily, so I was reluctant to go any further. Once I find some spare cash I'm going to buy a 1.4x/1.7x tele for this type of stuff. Even with the 300 and a crop sensor these guys were far away... which was exactly what I had read online about bird photography: "You won't be close enough. Period"

Thats why I have a 500mm! :er:

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