C+C My Kitty


TPF Noob!
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Took this a few years ago when I first began to be interested in photography.

This is only my second upload to the forum, but gimmie your worst keeping in mind this was taken with my old Sony P+S. If anyone feels like photoshopping it go ahead, my photoshop skills are sub-par and I'd like to see what could be done with this.

Thanks all!

Well, we can't possibly critisize your kitty, as she is who and how she is and I assume you love her. Or him?
We can try to pass some critique or commenting on your PHOTO, though, and this tells me that you did dare to work with window light only, which in itself is good, I think. Much worse would have been the use of an on or in camera flash! However this means that her eyes (particularly the one on the right, i.e. her left eye) are quite dark. The pupils are wide open and round, which gives her an attentive look (I like!), but there's only this tiny catchlight in the one eye and the other is only black. Something that might have reflected some of the window light on the other side, like a white sheet of paper or something similar, just outside your frame, might have helped create a catchlight in her other eye, too.

Just a thought of mine.
Pretty cat.
What's he or she called?
Her name is Lexus. My wife named her such and snuck her home one day because I had seen a commercial on TV for some new Lexus model(car). I told her that I wanted one, and so when I came home from work the next day she greeted me by saying, "I bought you a Lexus today". Har har. :D
If anyone feels like photoshopping it go ahead, my photoshop skills are sub-par and I'd like to see what could be done with this.

Adjusted levels to remove dead pixels. Adjusted sharpness. Bumped the saturation a smidge, and tinkered with the left eye. Not a pro. Can't say if made it better or not. I just like to practice.


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