Canon 6d mode dial and lock button fell off


TPF Noob!
Sep 20, 2015
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Mode dial lock button and plate fell off

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broken part

canon 6d

mode dial plate


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5 minutes ago


fragglecasperTPF Noob!

On my canon 6d I have noticed the mode dial and the lock button has fallen off. How I do not know,
I have replaced the mode dial plate before simply by using double side sticky tape,but I have never had the lock button come.out.
I have purchased a whole new dial and it will arrive in a week or so,

My question is has the lock button ever popped out on anyone and is it just a push back in piece or does it need to go for repair.
The whole dial is still in place,and by the look at the part it does look like it is a.push down into the dial.
Then secure the dial.plate. ?

And info would be great.
Canon 6d.


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I have never heard of this happening before, but I'm not surprised… It is a modern mass produced item assembled from well over 1000 small parts… It does not sound good however.

A couple of years ago on a steampunk Disney shoot,for which we had arranged four models,after just three frames the mirror on my Cankn 5D fell off! did I have a back up camera? No. And I finished the shoot with my iPhone!
this looks kind of like a job for a camera repair guy. But, perhaps you can do it yourself.

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