Canon EOS 1200 zooooom


TPF Noob!
Aug 9, 2015
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the zoom is not a typo! I'm new to the forum, new to cameras, and new to photography so a full house for a first time flasher !(in a photographic sense!) I recently purchased a canon eos1200d as it was in my budget and at the time j just wanted a better camera than my iPhone.I also build scale models and the pics from iPhone of my finished builds were just pants! I mainly build scale aircraft and of course am interested in aviation in general so when the opportunity came up to visit Blackpool air display today I had to take the camera along . I of course was not rxpecting close up highly detailed centre spread quality and the camera has way exceeded my expectations shooting my models however I would like to see if possible with my make of camera, take the more detailed close ups. I appreciate that there is an awful amount of skill, knowledge, and experience to achieve the high quality centre spreads but is it possible to start on the bottom of the ladder with an additional telephoto / zoom lens to begin my schooling in this field? Thank you for reading and really would be grateful for any hints tips or links to outlets where I can purchase ...
the zoom is not a typo! I'm new to the forum, new to cameras, and new to photography so a full house for a first time flasher !(in a photographic sense!) I recently purchased a canon eos1200d as it was in my budget and at the time j just wanted a better camera than my iPhone.I also build scale models and the pics from iPhone of my finished builds were just pants! I mainly build scale aircraft and of course am interested in aviation in general so when the opportunity came up to visit Blackpool air display today I had to take the camera along . I of course was not rxpecting close up highly detailed centre spread quality and the camera has way exceeded my expectations shooting my models however I would like to see if possible with my make of camera, take the more detailed close ups. I appreciate that there is an awful amount of skill, knowledge, and experience to achieve the high quality centre spreads but is it possible to start on the bottom of the ladder with an additional telephoto / zoom lens to begin my schooling in this field? Thank you for reading and really would be grateful for any hints tips or links to outlets where I can purchase ...

Umm.. Greetings, and welcome to the forum

I guess I'm a little confused... are you referring to a Canon EOS 1200d, which is a camera body (known here in the states as a T5)? If so it does not have a 1200mm zoom lens, the 1200 is a model number used by European versions.

Or are you talking about the Canon 1200 mm F 5.6 zoom lens, seen here:

Up Close with the Canon EF 1200mm f 5.6 L USM Lens B H Photo Video Pro Audio

Because if that's what you just purchased I would like to know if your interested in adopting.. I'm big but I don't eat much.. lol
Blackpool UK or USA?*

For aircraft you can certainly do well with a modest zoom lens or even a good telephoto prime. It depends a lot on what kind of budget you're thinking of - you can do this for a few hundred up to a few thousand to a LOT of thousands. So give us some idea what you're thinking of.

Also I'm going to guess that propeller driven aircraft are an interest to yourself?
If so (heck even if not - this will help in all areas) you want to start learning to use modes such as aperture priority - shutter priority and manual mode. Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson is a very good starting book for information on that subject (as are most if not nearly all entry to intermediate level photography books).

For propellers you want to be in shutter priority or manual mode and then play with the shutter speed to get it slow enough to blur the rotor blades (least typically people want them blurred whilst in use rather than fully static).

*I've no idea if there IS a Blackpool in the USA but those old colonies were not founded by those inventive in names so just pinched the ones from home a lot ;)
Lol thanks 'overread'! It certainly was Blackpool UK. Apologies . I should have known this would be an international site ....I have the same issues with the scale model Facebook group! The phrase"lost in translation " sums up a lot of the conversations! Blackpool is famous for their illuminations and tower , looks very similar to Eifel tower.
I have read up on the modes and did try the TV mode today which is the mode that lets you adjust the shutter speed but the only issue is because the subject is so far away I can't really distinguish any detail.i need to like I say upgrade the lens that came with the camera (it's the 18-55 AF/MF lens. Can I attach any lens ? As long as it's canon and also are they known as telephoto ?
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Lol thanks 'overread'! It certainly was Blackpool UK. Apologies . I should have known this would be an international site ....I have the same issues with the scale model Facebook group! The phrase"lost in translation " sums up a lot of the conversations! Blackpool is famous for their illuminations and tower , looks very similar to Eifel tower.
I have read up on the modes and did try the TV mode today which is the mode that lets you adjust the shutter speed but the only issue is because the subject is so far away I can't really distinguish any detail.

A lot depends on your budget of course, a 70-300 mm are pretty widely available and a fairly low cost option. You can find a lot of used Sigma 50-500 mm or 100-500 mm lenses out there, though I'd encourage you to read the reviews of them carefully. I've never owned one but a lot of folks say they are soft at 500 mm - but they are a lot cheaper now as a lot of folks that owned them sold them off to get their hands on one of th newer 600 mm lenses that are now available.

Both Tamron and Sigma make 600 mm lenses now as well, that would be of course more expensive but if it's in your budget from what I hear they are a pretty good option.

One other thing, you'll probably hear about teleconverters at some point, I wouldn't recommend them. They work ok if you get a decent one but you have to understand their limitations. A 2x teleconverter also decreases the amount of light by 2 fstops.

Most cameras won't focus well at F8, and won't focus at all beyond that - so unless you have a fast lens (say an F4 or an F2.8), well the teleconverter really ends up doing more harm than good as you lose the ability to autofocus. They work find on a fast lens but a fast zoom lens plus a good TC will cost you as much if not more than one of the bigger telephoto's, so not something I'd recommend.

Anything that screws onto the end of a lens and claims to give you 1.5x, 2x, 3x etc.. forget about completely. Total waste of money. Sadly there is no such thing as "cheap" telephoto. The cheapest your going to get is something in the 70-300 mm range.
oasisscott said:
Canon eos1200d ...were just pants! ...detailed centre spread ...centre spreads...

Every one of these spellings and phrases SCREAMS UK English...
oasisscott said:
Canon eos1200d ...were just pants! ...detailed centre spread ...centre spreads...

Every one of these spellings and phrases SCREAMS UK English...

Haha!! Yes I should have realiZed!!! I work for a language service provider and see US translation work! :-)
Lol thanks 'overread'! It certainly was Blackpool UK. Apologies . I should have known this would be an international site ....I have the same issues with the scale model Facebook group! The phrase"lost in translation " sums up a lot of the conversations! Blackpool is famous for their illuminations and tower , looks very similar to Eifel tower.
I have read up on the modes and did try the TV mode today which is the mode that lets you adjust the shutter speed but the only issue is because the subject is so far away I can't really distinguish any detail.i need to like I say upgrade the lens that came with the camera (it's the 18-55 AF/MF lens. Can I attach any lens ? As long as it's canon and also are they known as telephoto ?

yes, you need a "telephoto lens" for model or real airplanes

70-300, 400mm, 100-400, etc.


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