Canon wide angle lens question


TPF Noob!
Apr 30, 2009
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The second (the EF-S) will not work on a full frame camera

10 x 1.6 = 16
22 x 1.6 = 35.2

So the Field of View of the 10-20mm on a cropped body is similar to the 16-35mm on a film/full frame body.

10-22mm is EF-S lens and is made for APS-C or say, cropped body like 50D. And it will not work on a film or full frame Canon DSLR camera body.

10 x 1.6 = 16
22 x 1.6 = 35.2

So the Field of View of the 10-20mm on a cropped body is similar to the 16-35mm on a film/full frame body.

10-22mm is EF-S lens and is made for APS-C or say, cropped body like 50D. And it will not work on a film or full frame Canon DSLR camera body.

Thanks Dao,

if i bought the 16-35mm for my 50d, will i be able to take wide shoots? is 35.2 a wide enough angle for me to do nice wide angle shots of homes
Are you talking outside the home shots or interior shots? Outside you can always just back up so it wouldn't be much of an issue.

I would recommend the 10-22 unless you see yourself upgrading to a full-frame sometime very soon. And even then just keep the wide-angle on the 50D when you need it.
While 35mm is considered wide, its not really that wide.

Are you planning on upgrading to a full frame anytime soon? If so, get the 16-35. If not, get the 10-22. Or go for a Sigma 10-22, they are cheaper in price and give awesome results

10 x 1.6 = 16
22 x 1.6 = 35.2

So the Field of View of the 10-20mm on a cropped body is similar to the 16-35mm on a film/full frame body.

10-22mm is EF-S lens and is made for APS-C or say, cropped body like 50D. And it will not work on a film or full frame Canon DSLR camera body.

Thanks Dao,

if i bought the 16-35mm for my 50d, will i be able to take wide shoots? is 35.2 a wide enough angle for me to do nice wide angle shots of homes

What lens do you currently have? If you have the 18-55mm kit lens, then you will roughly know how wide the 16mm is on your camera. Of course, if you have the 28-135mm kit lens ... that .. for me, 28mm is not wide enough for me.

In general 16mm in cropped body will consider wide angle. And anything around 10mm will be Ultrawide angle (just like 16mm in full frame/film body)
I agree with that.

The EF 16-35mm F2.8 L (and the 17-40mm F4 L) are both very good 'wide angle lenses'...they are ultra wide, but only when used on full frame or film SLR cameras. On a 'crop sensor' body like the 50D...they are only 'sort of wide'.

To get that 'ultra wide' view on a camera like the 50D, you would need something that gets down to the 10mm range.

10 x 1.6 = 16
22 x 1.6 = 35.2

So the Field of View of the 10-20mm on a cropped body is similar to the 16-35mm on a film/full frame body.

10-22mm is EF-S lens and is made for APS-C or say, cropped body like 50D. And it will not work on a film or full frame Canon DSLR camera body.

Thanks Dao,

if i bought the 16-35mm for my 50d, will i be able to take wide shoots? is 35.2 a wide enough angle for me to do nice wide angle shots of homes

What lens do you currently have? If you have the 18-55mm kit lens, then you will roughly know how wide the 16mm is on your camera. Of course, if you have the 28-135mm kit lens ... that .. for me, 28mm is not wide enough for me.

In general 16mm in cropped body will consider wide angle. And anything around 10mm will be Ultrawide angle (just like 16mm in full frame/film body)

I have the 28-135mm kit lens
if you are iffy about the purchase (it is alot of money), maybe look into a place that rents them for a day and go off shooting.

Or head to the store and try out the lenses on your camera. Take some snaps of the inside of the store and see if you like the angles its giving you.

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