Carbon Fiber Tripod question


TPF Noob!
Dec 9, 2007
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Rock Hill, SC, USA
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I actually really don't need to spend the money as I just picked up a used 20-700 f4 IS lens, but in looking at the back packs at the store (because of the new lens) my husband says 'Look at this Carbon Fiber...'

The question is does anyone have any strong feelings about the 3 section vs. 4 section tripods? I am looking at the 190cxpro line from Manfrotto/Bogen. I currently use Manfrotto Model 486RC2 head on 3001n legs... Is the head too heavy for the CF series or is the something you would recommend that would be a lighter but similar head?
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I have exactly that rig for my hiking tripod and love it. The four section is great for travelling and hiking because it is so compact when contracted, but for a daily use rig, I'd go for the three section just because it's slightly less hassle to set up.
i have the three section, love it also if i'm not mistaken it is slightly taller and lighter then the 4 section.
I have the 055MF3 which I think is the older version of the carbon fiber. I use the 3 section and its very sturdy for the price. 4 sections are more compact, but tend to be not as rigid because the lower leg section is smaller in diameter. Having said that, my Gitzo 5541LS is a four section, but it is rigid as all get out!

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