Caught a man playing with his organ at the weekend


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Oct 31, 2008
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Chesterfield UK
Can others edit my Photos
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:D Just walking past a church having a flower festival
Nice, both hands is how I play it too.

But seriously I actually like this photo.
That title alone deserves a virtual pint from across the continent and across the Atlantic!
I'm alittle shocked, as I don't think thats his organ!
I would like to see the shadows, especially lower right, a little darker. Otherwise this is quite lovely, well done!
I would like to see the shadows, especially lower right, a little darker. Otherwise this is quite lovely, well done!

This is one of my first scans with Vuescan pro, but i may have dodged a bit, will try a re scan, and thankyou, developed in DDX which i think will be my developer for HP5
Yes, perfect.

It might be an optical illusion, but in the original the darkest tones ELSEWHERE in the frame (up in the pipes, for example) seem to be nice strong blacks, but for some reason those at the bottom of the frame felt weak. Possibly there's a light someplace I cannot "see" -- maybe a mass of white flowers just out of frame! Anyways.
Yes, perfect.

It might be an optical illusion, but in the original the darkest tones ELSEWHERE in the frame (up in the pipes, for example) seem to be nice strong blacks, but for some reason those at the bottom of the frame felt weak. Possibly there's a light someplace I cannot "see" -- maybe a mass of white flowers just out of frame! Anyways.

It may have been slight flare from the window, the hood on the Voightlander 28mmF2 is only about 10mm but i do like the sharpness and rendering
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Love this shot. Very nice indeed. Wish I could join you for some ale! :cheers:

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