Cheer Up, Buttercup


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Jan 31, 2015
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A simple shot today to share.

I took a quick evening walk and noticed this one and only lonely buttercup just sitting there in the light asking me to take a picture of it, so I did.

Fuji XT2 + 60 2.4 Macro
f/2.8, 1/1000th, ISO 320

Cheer Up, Buttercup by Nicholas Erwin, on Flickr
The wildflowers here have been very nice after all the rain too. I have started carrying my 56 with me on the dog walks for that reason. Sometimes wildflowers are prettier than the ones bought, aren't they? Nice contrasting colors.
The wildflowers here have been very nice after all the rain too. I have started carrying my 56 with me on the dog walks for that reason. Sometimes wildflowers are prettier than the ones bought, aren't they? Nice contrasting colors.

They are pretty late here this year as we had a very late spring. But wildflowers are finally popping up, next on the list is wild daisies!

Thanks :)
Wildflowers here have been prolific. Railroad Lilies and Black eyed Susans made an appearance last week. Nice shot by the way, great color

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