

TPF Noob!
May 14, 2011
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Chicago, IL
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Haven't been shooting much lately, especially with my D3 so I dusted it off and took a day off downtown to take a picture of ChicagoHenge.

It's basically a week during/before the Spring Equinox where the sun will set/rise directly in the middle of all the East/West streets in downtown Chicago which creates a stone henge effect.

Taken with my Nikon D3/70-200mm VR @ 200mm f/4:

Also if you're wondering where I was standing (Taken with my Nikon Df/Rokinon 14mm f/2.8):

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Very good! So if this was a week before the vernal equinox, then the street might not be exactly aligned true E-W.
Like all of these very much and saying which one is my favortie would discount the other three.

Would you mind putting a space between the image links to make seeing them easier?
#1 and #2 are my favorite. (sic)
Very good! So if this was a week before the vernal equinox, then the street might not be exactly aligned true E-W.

I mean true alignment would be a few days before the equinox because you're correct they aren't true E-W they are 2 degrees off. This was taken on the first day of spring.

Like all of these very much and saying which one is my favortie would discount the other three.

Would you mind putting a space between the image links to make seeing them easier?

Sure thing.

#1 and #2 are my favorite. (sic)


Reallly good shots mate

Thank you!
So, learning something new here. On the equinox the sun sets due west and rises due east. For the entire planet. (And they are 12 hours apart). Correct?
Sunrise and Sunset for U.S.A. ? Illinois ? Chicago ? March 2014
Solar calculator for Chicago.

I don't know which way the streets are tilted, but perfect 90 degrees is March 18-19 (not quite the equinox), and exactly 2 degrees, depending on which way, is either Mar 22-23, or March 15

Also btw Stonehenge is aligned to solstices not equinoxes ;) Well at least the major landmarks like the other circle nearby / path / big reference stone. Obviously you could probably tell the equinoxes too by knowing which of the other littler stones to look at, but doesn't seem to be the priority.

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