Christine - What do you think?


TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2013
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New Orleans
Can others edit my Photos
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went on a shoot with my friend Christine. was a fun day and i thought i got a few good shots, but would love to hear what you all think?




Nice quality shots. I really like the second and third images. The second image amazes with color and detail. Almost an HDR type image. Very cool.
I'm drawn to 1 and 3 the most.. I think in 3 I'd have preferred her looking out, away from you though.
Why is she looking away? There must be a story to follow when she is looking away. These are too posed photos with no emotion involved, just frozen eyes.
In #1 there is slightly hint of actual thinking process, the rest of photos are wanting not to blink.
#1 also weird crop
You need to pay attention to the background, to the lines you see. Where is the best spot for a model to stand in relation to the background? What she has above her head?

If you capture emotion none of the rest would be that important. But with that said you need to think about everything that you want to include/exclude in frame.

#4 is your best. Great spot and you nailed the pose showing her curves, but again, what are the head and eyes doing? she is stiff and frozen.

Relax her, it is your job as a photographer to relax the person in front of you. If you get true emotions out of you subject then you did a great job and people wouldn't care if there is something growing from her head in the background...
Second one does it or me. The detail captured is excellent. I like how you got the motion out the window in the first shot, pity the papers on the wall behind are slightly out of focus.
I love number 2 the scene is great I don't give a monkeys about technical stuff it just has to grab your attention.
Not too taken with #4 but the other 3 make a nice set. #1 is the pick of the bunch.
The #4 it my favourite: no disturbing elements and interesting lights. The first one is interesting but I don't like the hand cut, the second and the third are well composed but personally I don't like very much the HDR style pictures.
Anyway quite good shooting IMHO
She needs more than one expression. Post is a bit chunky too for such a petite girl.
I like #4 as well - it's got a bit of a sci-fi look, which allows me to excuse the somewhat empty facial expression a bit.

Matter of taste perhaps, but I'm not a fan of the editing on #2 and #3, and I agree with mmaria's comments on posing.
I don't like the emotionless expression, but i prefer number 4

Very cute model but unfortunately, for me, the editing makes these images look like screenshots from a zombie movie, they all look and feel very heavy, underexposed. Way too much contrast and saturation as well. Cropping and angles are not too fortunate either, all these frames need more attention to detail. I would also avoid cropping arms / hands like it's been done here.
- I like the pose in 2 and 4 though 4 might be a bit on the stiff side.
- The location is very interesting for the first 3 shots, not sure where the 4th is, but it makes for a good backdrop as well.

- I feel that much of the emotion is lost due to the heavy make up around the eyes. It almost seems that she had been crying.
- Positioning of the model on the streetcar (?) doesn't work for me on the 1-3 images. Each one has something growing out of her in the background.
- Image 3. Her arm. What's with that? It looks horribly uncomfortable...and frankly unnatural.
I need to look at these again later when I have time.

I love the setting and the feel but something about them doesn't seem right to me. They feel... unpolished. I'll give you more useful comments later.

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