CHRISTMAS pictures (trees, decorations, etc.)

When I first detected this in the church in that part of Hamburg where my friend lives, a church that I had come past a thousand times but had never ventured inside before, I decided that this was very christmassy, indeed. So much so that in February, upon seeing this side of the baptismal font of St. Petri and St. Pauli in Hamburg-Bergedorf, I decided this would be my this year's Christmas card motif:

May I wonder why you brought this thread back to life NOW, fadingaway????? It strikes me as somewhat odd ... not that I'd mind! ;)
Come on's that time of year. Let's see those trees! Here's mine.


And the neighbors, which I help put up.

Our tree will only be set up on 24 December...!!!
Outdoor Christmas decorations at my home...


Christmas tree, that is. Or any other holiday decorations if you aren't the
tree type. I haven't seen this topic yet, but if there's one out there I'm sure a merge will take place.

Happy Holidays!

Yes, there is a Christmas Theme in the Photo Themes, for the Photo Themes are THE place for members to PUT TOGETHER their photos on a certain theme, and while it started with Christmas 2004 pics (or so) it may well continue with Christmas 2007 pics now.

And I cannot show you our tree since we - in Germany - only ever put up our trees on Christmas Eve. No sooner.

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