

TPF Noob!
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Atlanta, Ga
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit

Oh wow!!!!
Both of those shots are AWESOME!!
I especially love the second one.
i like these a lot. they really set a mood. IMO the second almost takes it a step too far, but these are good!
I really like these, awesome job.
very cool!
second shot is the best of the two i think
amazing hdr :)
The second one strikes me better than the first because of the feeling of space. The large, looming cloud in the first one -- in the upper right -- seems to be encroaching a little too much. In the second photo, the dark cloud creates a natural vignette but it dominates a little too much in the first image.

You've got beautiful light on the church, though. Really like that part.

The second image is very nice; much simpler in composition. It's a nice lead-in shot and the red doors make for a good focal point. You've put them in just the right place. I don't feel like my eye is taken away from going bottom to top.
Seems to me to be overdone for HDR shots. The aim as I see it is to create something close to what the eye sees, not an image that doesn't look real.
Seems to me to be overdone for HDR shots. The aim as I see it is to create something close to what the eye sees, not an image that doesn't look real.

I disagree. I think Photography in itself is a hobby as well as a creative artform. I think its totally up to the shooter to convey the subject as he or she sees it. Will everyone like it? Of course not. The subject just doesnt have to be shown as it should be(real).
They look much better than some, and if when the OP was taking the picture.. and this is what his eye/mind saw the image as being... then thats cool.

My only dislike about the pictures is that they seem to be tightly cropped.

But I believe the HDR effect you used works nicely.
One of the better HDRs I have seen, but I'm not overly excited about the photos themselves. Agree with Parkerman... tight crop. Also kinda oddly framed, and not the most terribly interesting shot, but really nice sky.

Keep in mind, I'm biased against HDRs somewhat, so this may be coloring (ho ho) my feelings on this. :)
maybe a tad overdone but still nice

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