Coke vs Pepsi


TPF Noob!
Jan 23, 2007
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Hong Kong
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C & C welcome!

I love the setup and the idea. Somehow to me everything looks a little dark though.
lmao thats awesome but ya it took me long to take in the whole image because it was dark enough to the point where i had to scan each can to see if it was pepsi or coke...maybe play with levels a bit more but the idea is fantastic.
Thank your all your comment!
Very creative, I like it! Coke can only with with Sprite's backup! ;) :lol:
Simply ingenious, but yeah work on the lighting, with that clear it'll be a master piece.
Shoot one of the cans with a .22 or something smaller for more effect. Lighting too.
LMAO!! Nice shot from the Coke afterparty!!

Great idea there x-man :) Those look like the old style cans with the pull tops that they haven't sold in the US since the 70's don't they?
LMAO!! Nice shot from the Coke afterparty!!

Great idea there x-man :) Those look like the old style cans with the pull tops that they haven't sold in the US since the 70's don't they?

Thank for your comment. This is old style cans. Still selling in asia.

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