I can remember my brother flying home on leave from Fort Hood Texas a few years ago. He calls me on his cellphone when he got off the plane. I asked him how the flight was and he starts yelling and screaming about it being so freakin cold! It was around 15-20 F here in Pennsylvania and he shows up in Pittsburgh in nothing more than a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals, LOL.
Another night, I recieved a call from him. He was camping with his buddies down there in Texas and complained because they had to pack it up. It was too cold he says. How cold? Said it was freezing down there at 50 degrees while I was looking at my thermometer reading -15 here.
Doesn't take much to acclimate to the temps. Last weekend it was around 0 - 5 F. This week it moved up into the mid 20's and it feels quite warm out (currently 16 according to weather.com).
Next week, I'm filling up the swimming pool. It's forecasted to reach back into the 40's!