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TPF Noob!
Nov 12, 2008
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San Diego, CA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Yep, not much I can do about that... unless you have any advice?

Of course it is thick glass on the canopy and the best views tend to be into sun, where you get the artificial light rays.

Whoa. That sky had some drama!

And other than becoming able to fly those heights YOURSELF, I would not know how to take a photo up there which would NOT be taken through glass... :scratch:

I assume your plane looked different from the one you saw?
Don't get me wrong, its an interesting photo. Maybe you could do some really careful work with the cloning tool to get rid of the (suprisingly little) streaks that show through?
Thanks for the replies guys,

LaFoto, I am in the same type, just under 1nm away (VR lens helps here)

Ls3D, that's a nice look, but tbh with this one I think the rays look more like glass reflections than some of the others I have so there is only so much ps can do.

Here is another shot from the same day and I think the rays look much better (unfortunately the clouds just don't do it for me)


I saw that in your other post and was wondering how you got that angle! On approach to N. Islnd :lol:

I tried to adjust the color temperature of your shot (forced RAW open), and then got caught up in cloud monsters.


P.S. Funny that I sign every post and still people use my handle :lmao: &..welcome home!

I know this is completely off topic but did any 1 else see the smily face? :D is on the bottom right of LS3d edit.
Haha, I didnt even notice that till you pointed it out.

Nice photos though.
very nice photos !!!!

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