Composition C&C please

Tired but willin

TPF Noob!
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Dartford, Kent, England
Can others edit my Photos
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Been trying to work on my composition, been reading loads and now trying to put into practice. Would really appreciate some feedback....

Thanks in advance....


Well.... after being *petrified* by your avatar picture, I composed myself and decided I like #2 best. The contrast between the gray sky and the deer is appealing to me IMHO.
Thanks April....the avatar pic is a 'half man half fish' - pretty spooky i agree but i spend an awful lot of time fishing so it's fairly apt ;).....

In the first you make good usage of the diagonal line the tree trunk makes and placing the main subject in the right third of the scene.
I probably does need some cropping of the background.

In the second ... even though you have placed the subject in the dead center, you actually didn't as the second animal is also the subject and pulls the scene to the right.
I would also crop this shot.

Overall ... it is good work on managing composition.
I agree with the cropping, #1 I would crop half of the tree out. there is way to much to look at with out seeing the child in the tree. # 2 you can have both deer in the frame just crop from the left, but if you want the buck then just cut out the other or you could try to clone him out.
....the avatar pic is a 'half man half fish' .....
It reminds me of the album cover for Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica.


Compositionally, I think the second shot is stronger, I would just rather not see the animals backside.​
Many thanks for the tips....i'm going to have a little play around with the shots tonight and see what i can achieve. After looking at 2# again i agree that it would probably look better with just the one deer. 1# will need a little messing around....feels like i'm learning a little though which puts a wee smile on my face..

Great pic Kundalini although i'm scared to imagine what sort of music it is :lol:
I think the picture where the two species were missing the middle in the photo is centered.

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