

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 6, 2014
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I took all the information and advice you guys gave me on improving better composition in my photos.
I was able to compile these three photos that I believe have strong compositional elements.

I am welcoming constructive criticism!! :thumbup:
*These photos have been optimized

Framing, symmetrical balance.
ISO 200, 17mm, f/8.0 at 1/200sec

Leading lines, framing.
ISO 400, 24mm, f5.6 at 1/60sec

Rule of thirds.
ISO 100, 17mm, f/11 at 1/5sec
Yea, pretty good. How do you like them?
Yea, pretty good. How do you like them?

Well, to be harsh on myself.
I think the first and last photos have strong elements of composition.
Although, on the last photo I feel like I could have found a better angle. One from atop looking downwards, but it was impossible.

I also have second thoughts on the second photo. I'm not sure if it has really strong elements of composition.
I like the second one best. There is conflict and irony. An old majestic structure and a crappy modern sign with the arch suggesting a cultural dead end. If it were my pic I would change the sky to something more interesting.

Your pics are good so you have a good eye. Trust your eyes and your sense of cool. Rules are meant to be broken in the art world.
#1 & #2 are OK but your forcing the symetric building into the thirds really loses the impact of the building.
If you change your profile to allow edits I can show you. (and the vertical is off)
#1 & #2 are OK but your forcing the symetric building into the thirds really loses the impact of the building.
If you change your profile to allow edits I can show you. (and the vertical is off)

I'll change that now, you have my permission to edit my photos!
I was having such a hard time trying to vertically position that photo. Maybe you could do it better than I!
Yea, pretty good. How do you like them?

Well, to be harsh on myself.
I think the first and last photos have strong elements of composition.
Although, on the last photo I feel like I could have found a better angle. One from atop looking downwards, but it was impossible.

I also have second thoughts on the second photo. I'm not sure if it has really strong elements of composition.

In trying to conform to some rather arbitrary "rules" of composition, you might be overlooking other "rules", and it seems as if you may also be taking the fun out of it.

The second photo doesn't say "leading lines" to me. But it is still interesting.

Try not to over-think it. Relax and enjoy.
The neat thing about symmetry is that is plays into the way people see.
Putting something symmetrical in the center is satisfying to the viewer

The neat thing about symmetry is that is plays into the way people see.
Putting something symmetrical in the center is satisfying to the viewer


Wow! That's amazing! I would have never thought of editing symmetrical photos that way! Such a big help, I'll be sure to try that out with some of my other photos! Thank you!

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