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TPF Noob!
May 8, 2010
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Lima, Peru
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Here's a few more from my recent travels that I just processed

C&C always welcomed

Queens Bath, Kauai


Pear Lake Kings Canyon

Sacred pools, Maui I tried processing this a few times but the rocks just always look alittle unreal to me, I still like it overall
Awesome set Love #1 them rays of light get me all the time.
i see what you mean about the rocks, they don't look sharp on my monitor more like some sort of mush pudding , rocks to me should be brittle and edgy.
i see what you mean about the rocks, they don't look sharp on my monitor more like some sort of mush pudding , rocks to me should be brittle and edgy.

These rocks are lava. They were mush pudding until they cooled off.

All three are very well done!
mush pudding= lava , interesting.
Thanks guys - 1 and 3 are handheld so might not be as sharp as they could be.

ann I'm curious you are an active critic on this site. Have you ever posted a photo on this forum?
That is a good question, but no I haven't. It has crossed my mind, but I haven't gotten around to reducing the size of my images to be able to post on the internet.
They are huge.

I checked the "how to" for posting images, I don't have a photobucket account or a third party host. I do have a website, but i haven't had any HDR images posted and am am not a subscribing memeber.

send me you email address and i will forward you something.
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I do like to see active members work on here. I think its good to share if you critique. Honestly if someone says something bad about my images and they are in my opinion a bad photographer then I don't take much they say seriously. Like on flickr when someone rips a pic of mine but all their photos are self portraits of themselves or their cats, then I don't give much thought to their opinions. If on the otherhand they have a nice collection then I will give much more thought on their opinions.
That's not to say that someone who isn't a photographer can't have a good eye, but it helps to see the work of your critic
understood. i tell my students all the time "if the work doesn't match the mouth my ears shut down.

you can see some of my work here

Ann Clancy - Photographer, Educator

and I like to think i am a photographer.
thanks for sharing, our approach to photography is definitely different

Are the ones that look like paintings of flowers, photos of paintings or real and then processed to look like oil paintings?
the flowers are sx-70 manipulated images, the photos were taken of still life set ups with that film and then manipulated to look as you see. they are not digital , nor processed digitally, done with a golf tee to move the emulsion around.
Since that film is no longer made i have been working on something similar with digital files, but those are film, processed before the emulsion has set.

how is the approach different? photography is photography. subject matter may vary from individual to individual but it is an expression of our personal vision.

there isn"t a lot of digital work on that site as the fellow who was managing it for me has moved and I just haven't given him a lot of my most recent work; which has been a lot of HDR. Again, i will be glad to send along an HDR image it you pm me your email address.
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