Craziest Gif's Thread

Yowza, Raj! Those ARE crazy!
Don't know about the last two (which are undeniably crazy), but I remember seeing the first guy in a news channel. This guy does this routinely everyday, you can even see the signal-guy (don't know what they are called :345:) standing there to the left, watching him and yet giving a green signal to the train!
This is what makes India so different, if it was any other country this guy would surely end up in jail on some charges; here he gets to be a superstar!
get outta my head mish!
my favorite

Yowza, Raj! Those ARE crazy!
Don't know about the last two (which are undeniably crazy), but I remember seeing the first guy in a news channel. This guy does this routinely everyday, you can even see the signal-guy (don't know what they are called :345:) standing there to the left, watching him and yet giving a green signal to the train!
This is what makes India so different, if it was any other country this guy would surely end up in jail on some charges; here he gets to be a superstar!

I think here, the signal guy would also be charged with reckless endangerment or something for letting the train continue!

India is kooky! :highly_amused: ;)

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