Creative Editing - I'm Sure you Have an Opinion :)

I like what you've done with them, but I agree with some others that the second is better. What bothered me about the first is that the bench was right up against the edge of the frame, looking like it was falling out. I would crop the second, quite a bit on top and a little on the right.
Feels like autumn to me, although it does remind me of a film and I can't fo the life of me remember it!
Number 2, no contest. It has a much bigger feeling of isolation - very nice. Really, you couldn't have asked for a better shaped tree!

Edit: I just looked at them again. In my opinion, #2 makes #1 look cluttered and busy. I don't like #1 any more. It's #2.

#2 I tell you!
I believe it's all about personal taste... In my case, the #1 is a lot better. I mean, I like the tree cutted like that.
Love it :thumbup:


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