Creepy Old House


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
I caught this down by the hudson river outside of NYC last week, I liked how it turned out. Comments are welcome :)

Not a bad shot at all, although i don't like the light next to the house, sort of too bright, although the reflection of the house and the light in the puddle look nice
You didn't state whether you would mind having your images editted or not, so I took the liberty to do so. I just corrected the color balance.


Compare it to the original, it looks much more natural :)
thanks JR that looks better, I already cleaned it up a lot from what it was... you should have seen the nasty yellow on the original shot, the lights around there were totally yellow even on incandesent white balance

i think i might have to change the white balance settings on my monitor/hdtv at home... hm...
[JR];1078707 said:
You're welcome skiboarder72, is your cleaning up the cause of the lack of detail / artifacts?

i'll post up the original when i get home... the colors were really bad because the lights were actually yellow that i was shoot under

i originally shot it under incandescent white balance but that still wasn't enough to kill all the yellow
maybe I'm loosing it a little, but this house looks neither creepy or old

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