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TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2006
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Buffalo, NY
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I am looking at purchasing a D3 but they are out of stock everywhere. I was wondering if anyone knew what the wait time on one was? I would want it by the middle of April.
Rowe does not carry the D series. That is what the salesman said when I called.
I called Ritz camera (10 miles from Rochester), and was told 3 weeks.
I got a hold of someone near where my family lives in Ohio and they 10 days to 2 weeks. So thats not bad. Thank you.
That's just the way it works man they drum up excitement shor the supply get everyone excited to buy them and then in a year cut the price by like $500 or more. I does not pay to be an early adopter.
Bergencountycamera.com in Westwood,NJ

Last time I was in there, they had one in stock. They also have "in stock" status listed on their website.

Wonderful "high end" dealer that has seen a good share of my paychecks. You are best to do everything by phone... easier and faster. Not really geared towards online business mostly the locals and walk-ins (many with really deep pockets). Wonderful service but don't expect rock bottom BH like prices. I do most of my business with either Rob P. or Paul B. If the deal works out.. tell them "Randy" expects a commission.. j/k LOL.
Unique (www.uniquephoto.com) in NJ are also good. I pre-ordered my D3, so I've had it for about three months and I don't regret buying it so early. It is a remarkable and versatile camera.

I am not too worried at this point. I just wanted to make sure that I could get one within a reasonable amount of time. I just got a gig doing weddings during the summers for as many summers as I would like. I do not have a backup to my D200 and figured the logical choice would be to move up to the D3. Not only that but I also wanted to start my own business and thought of the D3 as an investment to start that business. Thank you for your help.

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