Seoul Station


Photo Hunter
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
大田, South Korea
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
It took a little PP work to bring out the station. How did I do? How can I improve it?

I shot this with a Nikon D3. I used Photoshop to bring out the shadows in the buildings. I want know if it looks over-processed, if so, how I can improve it.
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Hello from Dongdaemun. To me the sky looks like a different sky to the buildings - it is a dawn or dusk sky and the buildings look like middle of the day. You need to find a happy medium between the two.
Hello from Dongdaemun. To me the sky looks like a different sky to the buildings - it is a dawn or dusk sky and the buildings look like middle of the day. You need to find a happy medium between the two.
Thank you for the feedback, just what I was looking for. Welcome to Korea!
It's a nice shot, but seems a little tilted. Not sure if that was intended. It's more noticeable on the Flickr site where the image is larger. As noted, it's a nice shot, and the station stands out.
There are many ways to edit a picture. I used masks and adjustment layers. Hue/saturation. Curves. Brightness. Sharpening. And I painted in the building to make it pop more. So dodging isn't your only option :)

Everyone else has mentioned it and i agree the sky is out of place with the picture, now.

Thank you all for your feedback, I will take it back to Photoshop.

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