D7000 test Shots for CC


TPF Noob!
Sep 6, 2010
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Hello TPF! Its been months since I last visited the forum and my long wait of D7000 has arrived in Dubai last end of November.

I made a desicion to think for it in a week before getting one and last December 9, 2010 i officially got one! :D

I am still mentally blocked right now....... because it cost me around 2K USD

I haven't tried a good shot yet but made some test on it!

hopefully SOON i can post some decent shots here and have some critique :sexywink:

HERE are my shots yesterday during my free time

(Direct from Cam, I haven't read the manual/module yet because of hectic sched so the setting is more on AUTO and trying little bit on manual)

Critique is WELCOME...pls do so




how is life in Dubai? I've never been there but am interested in the location. any work for an electrician there? how about taxes?

nice shots by the way ill be interested in seeing some shots when you get that thing on a tri-pod and really try to make something beautiful.

i bet there are so many great photo opportunities in your part of the world.
how is life in Dubai? I've never been there but am interested in the location. any work for an electrician there? how about taxes?

nice shots by the way ill be interested in seeing some shots when you get that thing on a tri-pod and really try to make something beautiful.

i bet there are so many great photo opportunities in your part of the world.

About work - Dubai is still suffering from the recession but I think not just Dubai. So If you are interested with having a Job in Dubai there are still a lot of opportunities here but It will depend on you dedication and perseverance in job hunting.

Yeah! I will be having my first outdoor this Friday with some friends with me. I hope I can get decent photos to post here. Dubai is a rich country in all aspect structures, traditions and a lot different expatriates which is really good venue for some photography.

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