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D850 Fn1/2 buttons


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 9, 2012
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Overland Park, Ks
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So I finally got the D850. Coming from the D810 which I loved. I never used the Fn button on the d810 but trying to learn as much about the D850 as I can.

What situation(s) would the Fn buttons come in handy? I primarily shoot wildlife and auto photography with a small mix of sports stuff.

Just curious if it’s something I could benefit from.

Thank you.
Well Fn or Function buttons are usually customizable so whatever option the camera lets you assign to that specific button should be in the menu. It's all personal preference, auto focus modes would be good choice or DX crop mode can come in handy for wildlife. Browse through the options and see what works best for you.
I have a D850 and I use the Fn1 button to display the picture I just took. I have auto display turned off as I don't need to see each frame and this lets me do everything with my right hand. I have the Fn2 button set to toggle between FX and DX. I hold down the Fn2 button and twirl either control wheel to do this. I also have the Record button programed to scroll through the A,B,C,D shooting memories. (I forget what Nikon calls it).
Fn buttons are very handy. One option is to set it up so by pressing in and rotating the sub-command, you lock the f-stop, pressing and rotating the command dial you lock the shutter speed. A small "L will appear in the viewfinder next to both indication they are locked which means turning them does not change the aperture or shutter speed. Another option is changing from FX to DX should you want the extra crop factor.
This is how I set mine. FN 1 with the thumb control knob lets me select the AF pattern and FN 2 with the thumb control knob lets me toggle between Full Frame and DX.

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