D90 vs 50D


TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2008
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I am going to purchase my first DSLR tomorrow. And am torn between the Nikon D90 and Canon 50D. Sams Club has both in stock and the 50D is about $150 more than the D90. Anyone have a pro and con input to help me?
Don't buy from Wal-Mart, nobody there works full time, benefits are essentially welfare, and you're doing little to stimulate the economy.
Nice to help the guy with his question...... How about not injecting politics into it?

To the OP, both are very nice DSLRs that will serve you well for a long time. Both are capable of taking great pictures. I'm not really experienced with Canon so I can't help you there and I have a lowly D60 but from the few things I've read, the D90 is a nice step up into an intermediate DSLR from Nikon.

Basically you should hold both of them, fiddle with the menus and such and decide which you like better. Both are capable and both have a lot of nice glass available for them.
I suggest looking at both complete systems.

For instance, look at the lens line-ups, flashes, etc. If you are wanting certain focal length/aperture lenses, look what each company has to offer and the prices. Canon's 50D is more compairable to Nikons D300 series of cameras I believe. I know the 50D can microadjust for different lenses and save those settings. Not sure if the D90 can or not.

I chose Canon for their lens line-up, it suited my needs way better than Nikon could do. You may find the same or the exact opposite. Just do some research, because once you buy into a brand, its expensive to switch one you have multiple lenses, flashes, etc.
I had the same dilemma a month ago. So, I will give you the same advise everyone here told me : try them both in store and choose the one you feel more comfortable with it at the end. They are both excellent, but like I said, try them out first. Since they aren't cheap you really need to make the best choice for you. :sexywink:
Minissa has good advice here. Go in, try them out and figure it out for yourself. Pick them up, pop off a few shots with each, fiddle with the menus, get a feel for how the camera fits in your hand. Eventually you will notice yourself leaning towards one over the other. Let us know what happens.
Check out the specs for each camera, ask questions, go play with each one, price accessories you're likely to purchase and make an informed decision.

We can't pick your camera for you. :)
Pick your lenses that will fit you.
...the 50D is about $150 more than the D90.

This should not be a deciding factor. $150 is nearly nothing once you start investing in photography equipment. I think Canon pro lenses are a bit cheaper than Nikon pro lenses anyways. You will easily make up the $150 difference when you purchase your 70-200L 2.8 IS USM :D
This should not be a deciding factor. $150 is nearly nothing once you start investing in photography equipment. I think Canon pro lenses are a bit cheaper than Nikon pro lenses anyways. You will easily make up the $150 difference when you purchase your 70-200L 2.8 IS USM :D
I was going to say that lol. The 70-200 from canon is $1800 with tax and the nikons version is I think almost $2000. There's the $150 that you make up lol
D90, Nikon has a better upgrade path, customer service, and Nikon doesn't try to cram so many pixels onto the sensor. 12 is plenty, you are looking at a better quality image from a D90. Also, with the D90, who shoots with a 70-200?
I'be had no experience with canon but nikon make good picture
D90, Nikon has a better upgrade path, customer service, and Nikon doesn't try to cram so many pixels onto the sensor. 12 is plenty, you are looking at a better quality image from a D90. Also, with the D90, who shoots with a 70-200?

This is all non-sense.
Actually, I have had much better CS with nikon compared to a neighbor who shoots a 5D, and regularly has issues with repairs. Nikon has a lower megapixel count meaning larger photosites meaning lower noise. I was informing the poster that unless he begins shooting billboards, 12 is enough, and that at higher ISOs, D90 beats a 50D. The final was a question as to who shoots with a 2K lens on a sub K body.
Actually, I have had much better CS with nikon compared to a neighbor who shoots a 5D, and regularly has issues with repairs. Nikon has a lower megapixel count meaning larger photosites meaning lower noise. I was informing the poster that unless he begins shooting billboards, 12 is enough, and that at higher ISOs, D90 beats a 50D. The final was a question as to who shoots with a 2K lens on a sub K body.

I did

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