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Degree vs Certificate


TPF Noob!
Aug 1, 2008
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Rockaway Beach, NY
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So I'm sure this has been touched on many a times before in the past, but I'd figure i'd ask it anyhow. Before I get into it, a little info. I am currently getting out of the Marines. Not what I was planning but its time for me to put up the uniform. (Involuntary separation). Being that I rate the post 9/11 GI Bill, which in short means i get paid to go to school and the government pays for it, I have been looking at attending a college. If I do attend a school I was going to major in photojurnalism with a minor in business (if thats at all even possible). But at the same time, I've been looking into New York Film Academy's 1-year Photography Certificate program (which is covered under the Post 9/11 GI Bill).

So that brings me to my next, and main question. Is it even worth it getting a 1 year certificate or just go to school and get a degree? Or would doing both be a better option. the one year certificate would essentially leave me with 24 months of benefits, but I have prior college and going to a state or city school is a lot cheaper than a private school.
If the gov will pay for it get the full degree.
do you think it would hurt to do both? considering both are essentially paid for?
It depends on a few things, like - what type of photojournalism job do you want to get into, do you want to run your own business or work for a company? Also, you mention having prior college - what did you take then?

All things being equal, I would suggest getting the degree with the business minor, no matter what you end up doing I can't see that education being a waste of time.
So I'm sure this has been touched on many a times before in the past, but I'd figure i'd ask it anyhow. Before I get into it, a little info. I am currently getting out of the Marines. Not what I was planning but its time for me to put up the uniform. (Involuntary separation). Being that I rate the post 9/11 GI Bill, which in short means i get paid to go to school and the government pays for it, I have been looking at attending a college. If I do attend a school I was going to major in photojurnalism with a minor in business (if thats at all even possible). But at the same time, I've been looking into New York Film Academy's 1-year Photography Certificate program (which is covered under the Post 9/11 GI Bill).

So that brings me to my next, and main question. Is it even worth it getting a 1 year certificate or just go to school and get a degree? Or would doing both be a better option. the one year certificate would essentially leave me with 24 months of benefits, but I have prior college and going to a state or city school is a lot cheaper than a private school.

You and I are in a similar boat. I seperated 2 years ago and started school this past summer. I am majoring in photography myself with the post 9/11 gi bill. If I were you, I would look into FIT. They have a 4 year photography program that is pretty awesome. If NYPD doesn't pick me up, that's where I will finish out my degree. Getting a cert on top of a degree is redundant, and a waste of time honestly.

The GI bill will not cover the degree AND the cert. You get 36 months of the GI Bill which is just enough for a BA. Going to school is a good gig, especially where you are. I collect 2481 a month, 7k in financial aid, and get huge tax breaks. I claimed my camera on my return because it was required for my degree program.
Dang I wish I knew I could claim my camera! I vote go to school as well, BAH is nice :)
I would recommend a degree in Engineering :biggrin:, but since that doesn't seem to be where your headed, I would go with a Business/Marketing degree and take a few photography classes as electives. When you are interviewing with a client, they will never ask to see your photography degree, but without a background in marketing, you aren't going to have the clients in front of you to start with. Just my .02
The thing with photography is that you don't really need any type of certification or formal education for most of the jobs/gigs that you might get. Sure, it may give you a leg up on someone who doesn't have the education, but you could just as easily loose out to someone who doesn't have a stitch of formal education.

So if you want to work as a photographer, try to think about the precise type of job you want to target and research the best way to get there. It may or may not include getting a degree etc.

Of course, it's seldom a bad idea to get education, especially when it's free. But I'd suggest that you also consider other degrees that you might pursue, like business, which may easily translate well to a photography career.
Of course, it's seldom a bad idea to get education, especially when it's free.

Just a slight clarification...that education is not free. One, we paid into it during our first year of service, and two, we served.

It is a beneift, and a nice one, but I assure you, it is not free.
I already have business classes I've taken from my time in the Marines. Enough Credits or so to be about 6 classes away from an associates degree. If I do decide on a degree, more than likely it would be a business degree.

Ballistics, I looked into FIT but my gf is adamant about me not going there. Something about the girls there being overtly promiscuous....or something lol. And i'm in the same boat as you. Took the NYPD exam as well. Got my list number back. just waiting for further notice from them.
I already have business classes I've taken from my time in the Marines. Enough Credits or so to be about 6 classes away from an associates degree. If I do decide on a degree, more than likely it would be a business degree.

Ballistics, I looked into FIT but my gf is adamant about me not going there. Something about the girls there being overtly promiscuous....or something lol. And i'm in the same boat as you. Took the NYPD exam as well. Got my list number back. just waiting for further notice from them.

You are going to have overly promiscuous girls no matter what school you go to, especially in an art field. That's a topic for discussion on a different thread, but that should be the last thing you or your significant other is worried about.

If you consider photography as a major, I highly suggest taking a look @ FIT. It's a SUNY school, it's relatively close to you in BK, the GI Bill will cover it completely, and I think that makes it easier to qualify for yellow ribbon, and they have some pretty awesome opportunities in internships. I hear mixed reviews about how competitive it is, some say it's highly competitive, others say it's not.

Obviously there are better paths to take in education as kerbouchard has mentioned already, like engineering or computer science. But if you are going just because (like I am) might as well make the best of it.

My plan is to either be picked up by NYPD OR finish my degree and then apply for a commission. I'll be back in a uniform one way or another.
Of course, it's seldom a bad idea to get education, especially when it's free.

Just a slight clarification...that education is not free. One, we paid into it during our first year of service, and two, we served.

It is a beneift, and a nice one, but I assure you, it is not free.

The new Gi Bill isn't paid into, but yes, time was our payment.
i would be putting on the uniform but im being involuntarily separated. so yea. but FIT is def one of my top 3 schools i was looking into. if push comes to shove i can always head back to Georgia and go to SCAD. but thats a last resort.
i would be putting on the uniform but im being involuntarily separated. so yea. but FIT is def one of my top 3 schools i was looking into. if push comes to shove i can always head back to Georgia and go to SCAD. but thats a last resort.

Med sep?

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