Depressed Dog


TPF Noob!
Apr 10, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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I need help with the White balance/Contrast in these, but I think everythign else turned out alright


what is the light source to the right ..... maybe add another light from the left ?

he does not look depressed just tired!!! Had a hard day!
the light source is actually a window. I tried to work with it...if I was to theoretically place a light on the left, wouldn't that take away a lot of the mood?
whoo hoo! if that's the idea that got across then good's the actual photo though hahaha
whoo hoo! if that's the idea that got across then good's the actual photo though hahaha
I like them a lot. I love B&W photos! I would never add light to it. It would take away from the "depressed" look if the dog was all lit up.
thanks so much!
I think you caught the mood completely.

Sure, some light from our left would balance it a bit, and give a hint more shadow detail, but sometimes you just go with what's there.

I know if I tried to put a reflector of some sort with my dog, the whole pose and mood would be wrecked.

I will cheat a bit in post processing on something like this, and add a catchlight to the shadowed eye, to balance things just a bit more.

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