Desert Fox


TPF Noob!
Dec 31, 2007
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After a night camping in the Western Desert in Egypt, woke up and find this fella sniffin around for leftover food. Gave me a run for my money as I followed it everywhere till I got, in my opinion, my best shot of it. C&C welcome!

wow... BEAUTIFUL image.
thanks guys!

I wish I had more pop in the eyes...
will definitely try to find the original image again (I had to backup everything to format my PC) and will take a go at it...

still trying to learn the ins and outs of photoshop...
A very neat shot and a nightmare to expose for - brilliant light on the left and pitch black shadow on the right. Honestly I think you did make the right call with the exposure - if you have pushed for a longer exposure (for more detail and pop in the eyes) I think you would have had far too much blowout on the left side of the image.
As it is I think the black, almost "dead" stare of the fox adds something to this image, especailly when all the colours and tone are almost black and white (But not quite)
I really like this shot. Great capture!

What lens did you use for this?
Wow, excellent shot. I too agree I admire how you chose to expose this shot... along with the awesome composition. Great job!
I thinks this shot is fantastic! Not only did you manage to capture a great pose from the fox, but the background, lighting and composition are wonderful, too!
Your hard work and perseverance paid off, this is a good shot. Especially since the lighting conditions are such as they were.

I am also intrigued by the fact you were camping in the Egytian to elaborate more on that>
Great photo.. definitely wouldn't have seen one of those in Sharm El Sheikh
Excellent. I especially like the space you've allowed for it to 'move' into. I admire your patience.

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