Dinner with my 1yr old daugther


TPF Noob!
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
Alpharetta, Ga
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
First photo post as I am just learning this digital thing. Hopefully I will be posting more as I learn.

I Snapped these of my daughter as she was on a mission do get her clothes as dirty as possible.

C&C Welcome



Cute kid.
To keep these from looking too much like snapshots there are several things you can do. Your backgrounds, while slightly blurred are still really distracting. Since these are pictures of your daughter and not your living room and kitchen, try taking the photos vertically and filling the frame with your daughter.
Your lighting looks the best on #2. The other two came out underexposed. Also, for a black and white, there is way too much middle grey. Try lightening them and boosting the contrast in your post processing so that you get true blacks and whites.
The other two came out underexposed. Also, for a black and white, there is way too much middle grey. Try lightening them and boosting the contrast in your post processing so that you get true blacks and whites.

Is there a program you would recommend for doing this?
I use Photoshop. I've heard others mention Gimp and Lightroom. If you are looking for a free download you can try a google search for free photo editing programs.
I agree that the black and whites are far too dark and gray. Photoshop would be a great tool to have!

How much of an understanding of exposure do you have? For the photo you reposted (#1 in the first post), the exif data says you were using aperture priority set to f/8.0. You definitely could have opened up here to around f/3.5 without having to worry about focus issues. And your shutter speed was at 1/60, which is on the low end for shooting a moving subject (like a child!) Also, while I know you were capturing the moment here, keep in mind that indoor overhead lights aren't the best for taking good portraits - you should have some light coming from the front or side of your subject, light from above really isn't flattering in general.

I quickly took your photo into photoshop and lightened it and added some contrast, just to show you the direction I would go with it. Really though, you need to improve your results in camera. Keep working at it, and your daughter is beautiful! Let me know if you want me to remove this picture.


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