DJ Photoshoot - Felguk @ Club Sutra


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
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I got asked to shoot a show in Newport Beach, CA of two DJ's/Producers known as "Felguk", who are from Brazil. I was actually excited when they asked me because they're one of my favorite artists. I'm working on a side project in my photo business of Electronic music photography so this was another great way to add some photos to the portfolio. In my opinion this type of photography is one of the hardest to do, lighting conditions are changing all the time. Anyway, let me know what you all think, thanks!

Felguk @ Club Sutra - Sean Lara Photography - a set on Flickr





3rd and 4th are the most interesting in my opinion, the other 3 kinda just feel like unplanned snapshots.
Looks like a good time! i have never shot in a club before, so looks good to me.
3rd and 4th are the most interesting in my opinion, the other 3 kinda just feel like unplanned snapshots.

Well, yeah of course they were unplanned, you have to take a journalistic style approach when shooting shows like these.
#1, #3, #4 and #5 are my fave of the series. the crowd shot doesn't quite do it for me. would have framed it a bit different myself.

good work! i've spent a lot of time in that environment (behind the decks) so i understand the difficulty you're faced with. :)
3rd and 4th are the most interesting in my opinion, the other 3 kinda just feel like unplanned snapshots.

Well, yeah of course they were unplanned, you have to take a journalistic style approach when shooting shows like these.

Unplanned as in not very well thought out.

Like in #2 the focal point is that one guy in the crowd, I would have liked to see the focus on the DJ's and more motion blur in the crowd.
Well done, especially under the hard circumstances in a club environment.

I can actually feel the energy in that crowdshot !!!

#3 and #4 being favorites
3 and 4 are the best once. I wanted to try out club photography, but i dodnt even know where to start, i think its bloody hard and needs a good cam and a super fast glass, both expensive :(
3rd is by far the best what kind of music was beying played ?

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