Does anyone worry about posting your best work here for review?


TPF Noob!
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I want to start posting my pics for c&c here on the forum, but I'm a little concerned with the potential for end users saving the photo, sharing on facebook, etc, etc. What steps can I take to minimize this? Watermarks, signatures, copyright, etc, etc.... or is it really...even...worth worrying about it? Thanks.
Don't worry. Post low res images. No one can do much with it when it comes to prints. Maybe they can make a 4 x 6?

Sure watermark it. If someone takes it, your name will get some advertising. Use your website on the watermark.
Just go low res and your protected against anyone making a 16 x 20 from your image. (One warning, there is software that lets you blow up giant images. So check into that option to protect against from someone stealing from you.)

And, I'm not too sure of this, but I think Flickr can disable downloads. So if your really worried, figure out how to post pix, but not allow downloads.
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