Does this work? Pls. CC


TPF Noob!
Oct 20, 2008
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Sunny California
Can others edit my Photos
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Last night a friend of ours came over with his brand new camaro. What do you guys think of these night shots, these are from last night. Please CC. I used a tripod and source of lighting is street lights.

f3.5, ss 4/10, ISO1600

I don't think it works:

because the car is already almost out of the frame making the rear quarter panel and the lens flare the focal point of the image.

The first place the human eye goes to in an image is a line 1/3 of the way down from the top, they actually call it the eye line, then the eye begins to explore. Our brain expects things in the foreground to be brighter than things in the background. This image is just the opposite when we look at the car. The front is almost completely black and the rear is bright.

It was a good, edgy exposure to.

Move the rear of the car back (10-15 feet) to just in front of the tree shadow and you have a winner.
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crop everything out but the car and lighten the exposure and yes.

For the most part, I agree with everything on the above post.
had you backed the car up 5-8' so that light fell onto the front of the car I think this would have looked good.
Also fixing your white balance so everything isn't orange

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