Doorway to the Mayan Dome


TPF Noob!
Feb 12, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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Let me know what you think, THANKS!!!

but nice colours

this is quite contrasty scene which is not easy to capture.

nice to see El Caracol again :)
I agree - the tilt is a little distracting. Any chance you'll reedit, and maybe crop a little closer too? (Although on second thought, you might lose some of that neat lattice shadow on the ground depending on how the crop works out). I love the fringe of leaves over the door, and the colour provided by the flowers in the middle of the shot.
I really like the shadows on the tile... of the window. But the door is tilted. Are you going to be editing it?
this is a stock photo, haven't had the chance to edit it yet

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