Dragon in the Woods (Opinions please!)


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Mar 23, 2012
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This is a photo from a recent cosplay shoot I did. I really like how this shot turned out, but I'm not sure how I feel about the tree in the background. For some reason I kinda like it, but I also don't.

So here are two different versions (with and without the tree). Feedback on the image is welcome, but please also tell me what you think about the tree!

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 12.08.48 PM.webp Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 12.08.54 PM.webp

There's probably a little more work on the fix I can do, but this is good enough for comparison I think.

I prefer the one without the tree, by far. The tree looming so large in the central area of the shot really competes,strongly, for attention with the cosplay figure. WHat makes the tree so,so attention diverting is its slight lean, plus the fact that it has good, bold lighting on its trunk; a highlight on the left, transition zone, and then a nice, hefty shadow on the right hand side of the tree--ACKKKK!!!!! The tree is lighted so strongly! Look at the smaller trees..they render as simple, dark,small,whimpy little trees...that big tree is in good light...it simply MUST be eliminated.
Yeah, that makes sense.

Here's another version. I added some creative flavor to it, and polished off the cloning.

Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 9.21.47 AM.webp

I realize that the highlights are a little strong here, but I like the "glowing" effect it gives.
I'm a sheep, dump the tree. I like the image and the setting, nice work. :)
there's more pop to that last. Best so far. If it were me I'd still bring out the shadows furthers, there's lots of black/blue clipping.
It reminds me of Princess Mononoke.

Yup like everyone else said I like without the tree better :)

You did a great job photoshopping I can't even tell it was there in the first place.
Yup like everyone else said I like without the tree better :)

You did a great job photoshopping I can't even tell it was there in the first place.

Thank you! The content-aware tool works wonders :)
I know it changes the mood a bit, and you may want to keep your green tones, but I always like to see what an image looks like when I change the greenery to a more golden color (green is one of my least favorite colors in a photo, which is ironic because I shoot a lot in nature).
I did this with a selective color adjustment layer, and tweaked the contrast a little bit with a curves adjustment layer. Took less than 5 minutes.
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I know it changes the mood a bit, and you may want to keep your green tones, but I always like to see what an image looks like when I change the greenery to a more golden color (green is one of my least favorite colors in a photo, which is ironic because I shoot a lot in nature).
I did this with a selective color adjustment layer, and tweaked the contrast a little bit with a curves adjustment layer. Took less than 5 minutes.

Hmm..... that's very interesting. I kinda like that!

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