Dramatic Shots :)


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2007
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I Clicked this cloudy sky as thought doing some settings will make it a dramatic SHOT!


HEre is the shot with changd setting. :)
Altered some brightness and contraned and used black body Index Color Settings :)


I thought why not click some dramatic shots. So here are they. This is full moon night shot. You can see long long trees aside. I set the cam on 15″ exposure and F at 2.7.


Here i changed the settings a bit. Kept the exposure on 15″ but set F at 8.
The second one is dramatic but you can tell that you messed/altered it(maybe this is what you were going for?). The moon shot are laking a point of interest or something to separate it from a shot that anyone could take. I do like the way the moon looks better in the last one.
The second one is dramatic but you can tell that you messed/altered it(maybe this is what you were going for?). The moon shot are laking a point of interest or something to separate it from a shot that anyone could take. I do like the way the moon looks better in the last one.

The 1stsnap I clicked only for doing some alteration work and chk if I can do something interesting with the photograph.
I am still trying to get good shots of moon. These are trials which I thought went better then others.

Thanks for reply/suggestion/appriciation

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