Dream Interpretation

Thanks for having a go guys. I do love to hear other peoples ideas on such things. I thought you may be interested in my interpretation which is based on how I actually felt about these elements rather than standard symbolism so...

It started with a coach bumping the car in front on the forecourt of a petrol station. Seeing that the coach will now be going nowhere for a while, a man jumps off and flees - obviously being persued.

On turning around to follow, ...
The obstructed coach represents a social compromise and the fleeing man represents the issues that arrise from this. Although I'm only an onlooker to these events, I'm compelled to follow the issues.
...I find myself standing on the end of a wall, facing some fields that are seperated by barbed wire. I jump on the back of a running bull and ride it (standing up) accross a field and jump onto another wall where I slide along the top (surfing style).
The fields represent the moral pigeon holes in society. The first wall is a decision point; This is the point where I have to decide whether or not to get involved. The bull is blind public opinion running 'freely' in it's own moral pigeon hole. I need to avoid the pigeon holes so I ride the back of public opinion, being careful to keep my balance.

The second wall is more of a path than a barrier. Having ridden the back of bublic opinion through the moral pigeon holes, I land on the path of my own opinion and have a very smooth ride. But I still need to be careful not to fall off.
When I jump off the end of the wall I end up in the city centre where a crowd of people are all looking for the fleeing man. I open a cinema exit door from outside and find the man there. I now realise that he's a spy on the side of truth and justice etc. so I sneak him away to safety.

The crowd then turn to me and I assure them that there's nothing to see this way.
Having decided to get involved and reached my own opinion, I seek to address the issues. I find them worth sticking my neck out for so I give my help in resolving them. However, I see no point in being confrontational about it.
This was a great dream! :D
It was a real "You're OK so feel good about yourself" type of dream and they're always great. :D

<edit> Oooops... I nearly forgot the most important bit.

The sudden realisation that this was a spy for justice etc. shows me that being true to myself is the key to freeing myself. ;) </edit>
Time to revive the thread! I think I had a dream that even tops Bace's for wierdness.

I'm standing in a resturant that is on the waterfront. Everyone is fairly nervous. Suddenly a Tsunami engulfs the area but the windows hold. I'm shouting to everyone to remain calm - that as long as the windows hold we'll be fine. Then some idiot (of course) starts to try to break through the window with a chair. Of course, once he spiderwebs it a Great White bursts halfway into the room (along with a good bit of water). I try to get everyone to head upstairs (where and upstairs came from I have no idea) but everyone runs the other way. I follow to try to get them to go back and suddenly I'm in some sort of two-story atrium that is obviously on a cruise ship. Still underwater and more sharks start crashing in. I can't get the adults to listen to me so I grab all the children I can and head up. Then I am standing on a brick paved garden of sorts - dry land but water everywhere and I have this feeling that the water will keep rising. We have no where to go and I am standing there with a bunch of kids behind me - facing the sea - trying to figure out how to fight off who knows how many great whites with my bare hands. Then I wake up.

Told ya it was wierd!!!!
I am going to be vague. However, it is an attempt.

Water represents purity or cleansing. A restaurant is a place were we get food to nourish ourselves. Just a feeling but it would seem like the children represent the future and the adults the past. Either with collective thought or ways of doing things. Sharks are negative influences always present when you are attempting something new. They are the yang in the cleansing waters, the adversity you may encounter. Since you are in a building it is your mind and the stairs are a transition from a lower state (spiritual, emotional, physical) to a higher state.

The garden is growth (any vegetation really). However, gardens are usually well kept so it may represent a groomed path or growth you will be taking. The bricks provide a smooth, and strong base for this path. You are afraid of the dangers in the water not the water itself. Again, this may mean a journey or life decision. You do not have a choice you must take this path.
Yeah, kinda I think. Applied for a new job at work (promotion) so between that and several hours with the dream dictionary I kinda thougth it was something along those lines but getting outside opinions always helps!!!!

I thought the water was more of an "outside influences/outside world" crashing in on who I consider myself to be but what you said makes a lot of sense too.

My turn!!!!! I can't remember as many details as you guys though.

Ok...so I'm in prison for some reason, no idea why....but the prison is actually the elementary school I went to. For some reason I was determined to break out. The windows weren't barred up, just normal windows with screens, but I couldn't get the screen out, so I ran into the screen as fast as I could and the screen and I broke out the other side...it was about 10 or 12 feet from the ground, but I landed on my feet. I ran to the fences...it was a double fence, the first one was a normal chain link fence, only the top of it was electric. The second one was twice as high, the top of which was also electric. So I ran back (and somehow climbed a 12' brick wall back into the window) and grabbed two rugs. I laid the first one over ther first fence so I could climb over it without getting shocked (yes I am aware that would not work in real life!), and then did the same to the second. Then I started running through my town dodging people, and hiding in the shadows (I HATE having those dreams where I'm running from someone!!!!!) I'm running for a while, and the next thing I know, I'm with my boyfriend. He doesn't say anything about me breaking out of prison, or hiding from the law, but I'm still very shifty looking all around me. After a while, I decide to go back...on my way, I go to the local Casey's General Store (gas station), and there I don't really remember what happens...I've had other dreams where I was in that gas station though.

And that's all I can remember. After that the stupid people using the laundrymat below my apartment starting yelling at their kids, who by the sounds of it are runnign and jumping back and forth on the hardwood floor...they've been doing it for 45 minutes, running and yelling, running and yelling...I"m about to go down there, still in my night shirt and lay the smack down. (no, that part isn't part of the dream!)
Hmmm, just first impression it sounds like the school represents some authority figure in your life (or bad boss, or rules in general) and you are desperately trying to get away. Yet the part about you hiding in the shadow implies you feel guilty about it.

That's as far as I've gotten yet, I'll dig into it more a bit later.
I will give it a go I guess...

Prisons are places of isolation or inhabitance. *you get my meaning* The fact that the prison is in or is the school tells that you feel the learning process you are in or need to be in (or possibly were once in and need to go back) is a prison for you. You are attempting to break out of the learning process but are faced with many obstacles each more difficult than the next.

*This would be much easier if you were in school in your last year and just wanted to start your life - piece of cake. Unfortunately, I do not know your position in life.*

Your boyfriend is comfort for you both in real life and in the dream. Maybe you did not complete what you wanted to do because of his comfort but are now feeling you have more learning to do before you can advance with him. In your dream, you realize you need to go back but you stop at a gas station. Gas stations fuel our cars (modes of transport down a path – quickly) to take us down a path, in your dream’s case the path of learning.

Therefore, I could be completely off but I would say you did not like school and decided to end it short or end with what degree you had at the time even though you were not fully satisfied. You did this because you were sick of school and learning, you just wanted to get out into the world. You are now realizing there is something missing that only the continuing education (or some form of learning) can fulfill. This may not mean fully enrolling in school but a class here or there or even reading books.

Does this make sense or am I meowing up the wrong tree?
actually I tried for 3 semesters after high school to get myself into college, but things kept happening to prohibit it, and I've tried a few times since then, too. I should be elidgable (sp?) for financial aid next year...which isn't too long from now! :)

Hmmm...with those interperations, I have no idea what it could be!
It could be the "prison" you find in life because you did not get into college for one reason or the other. Taking it almost opposite from what I said the prison isn't education but the lack of education.

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