

TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I took some photos of my 10 month old girl last night while she was asleep. I took about 30 pics, different angles and ranges. My favorite was this one, which I edited to make it look "dreamy".

Some might hate the softeness/blurr to it, but I love it. It gives a "Im dreaming" feel.

Very sweet feeling here. I like the softness, but I think you might have overdone it just a bit. The reason I say that is because of the shadowy outline of her face around her actual face. I think I would have also tried to remove the red pillows first, as the darker color competes a bit with your daughter and her outfit.
Very sweet feeling here. I like the softness, but I think you might have overdone it just a bit. The reason I say that is because of the shadowy outline of her face around her actual face. I think I would have also tried to remove the red pillows first, as the darker color competes a bit with your daughter and her outfit.

Good advice on the pillow didnt even think of that. I have the original still so Ill re-edit it and lighten up with the softness feel and make the pillow light grey so her pink jamas capture more attention. Thanks for the tips!
I think you did well with capturing the dreamy feel. Adding a bit of vignetting might also add to the dreaming effect and tone down the red pillows as previously noted.

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