Ducks in Flight


TPF Noob!
May 25, 2010
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Helena, Montana, USA
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I surprised these ducks (or should I say, they surprised me!) along a small creek and was just able to catch them against the red willows alongside the creek before they got away. I didn't have time to make any adjustments to the camera before shooting, but I thought the shallow depth of field I was using just before surprising the ducks gave this image a unique quality.

Nature Zone Photography


Thanks for looking...
You're right, very lucky, but also very good shot. The settings must have been perfect for this photo when the situation came up!
great shot. It wasn't luck, you were there, you had your camera and an opportunity presented itself. That's good photography.
Great capture! Way to take advantage of the moment.
Very nice! Very little motion blur on the wing tips! I have a hard time to achieve such a result! Impressive!:D
Like burgo said, there is no luck if you were there at the right moment with the right gear. You were there to photograph and that is what you achieved with flying colours!
Amazing shot. They pop right out of the background with almost a 3D effect.
Thanks for all the great comments... I'm really happy with the way this shot turned out. As for the colors (in response to Undo's post), I didn't tweak them at all, with the exception of adding some contrast. Again... thanks for the nice comments - I appreciate it!
Wow! Very nice.
Awesome. Would love to call this shot mine...

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