Everybody likes art

Whenever I'm out with the D7k and some gear, people always try to look at what I'm photographing and "match" my shot. .......

This^. When I'm out with the tripod people walking by will try to figure out what I'm taking a picture of, and then try to get the shot themselves with their phone, P&S, Rebel, etc. I remember one night I was trying to get this shot and a man walking by looked at me, looked at what I was getting ready to shoot, and then sent his girlfriend right into the middle of the frame and actually put his camera damn near on my shoulder to try and get the shot. I was not amused.

by tltichy, on Flickr

Granted his shot of a smiling GF on the steps likely seems a bit absurd with the wheelchair there. ;)

I'm sure he cropped out the wheelchair
and probably most of the stairs ..
to isolate his GF on the stairs interrupting your shot.
matter of fact, he probably has a shot of your upset face with his GF in the background !!
When i'm out shooting and jumping in slow motion while in burst mode filling my buffer as i'm falling, i notice people all around me suddenly taking out their cellphones and p&s's and they start to also get infected with the photography bug. And by photography bug i mean: taking pictures. They suddenly start taking pictures of just about everything. Is that a common thing when you are out shooting? Do people suddenly become more interested in photography? Or is it just me and all my gear?


The guy needs a caddy ...
Whenever I'm out with the D7k and some gear, people always try to look at what I'm photographing and "match" my shot. .......

This^. When I'm out with the tripod people walking by will try to figure out what I'm taking a picture of, and then try to get the shot themselves with their phone, P&S, Rebel, etc. I remember one night I was trying to get this shot and a man walking by looked at me, looked at what I was getting ready to shoot, and then sent his girlfriend right into the middle of the frame and actually put his camera damn near on my shoulder to try and get the shot. I was not amused.

by tltichy, on Flickr

Granted his shot of a smiling GF on the steps likely seems a bit absurd with the wheelchair there. ;)

Lovely shot. Did you bring the wheelchair to that location?
It was a rental that was left there. Before Disney changed their policy towards handicapped people, all you needed to do to be guaranteed "front of the line" privileges was have someone in a wheelchair. ;) It got pretty bad when people started a business "renting" handicapped people by the day to get your family to the front of the lines.
Kind of a questionable story but great story nonetheless.
Last two times out, I met 2 older couples. By older, I mean my age, late 50's-early 60's. First was a birding couple, she spotted with binoculars and he followed close-by with a white lens. I told them about the roadrunner I had just snapped, and they told me about a red-wing blackbird pair up the trail a piece. Second couple, I was cruising down the road to a favorite spot, and I see this guy laying on the ground, right next to the road, partly in it, all scrunched up and contorting himself, trying to get a vertical close-up of the same oak tree I posted in another thread! I pulled up, parked, walked over to 'em and we chatted a short time. Delightful couple!

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