

TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2010
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has anyone used an expodisk??? they seem very interesting...:greenpbl:
Yes, an Expo disk is a tool you can use to set a custom white balance. They are very easy to use all you have to do it turn your camera on, attach a lens, turn off you auto focus, place the expo disk in front of your lens, aim it into your main light source and snap a shot then go into your camera settings and select that photo to be used as your custom white balance.
They're interesting and useful, but expensive. The main downside to them is that they don't work well in low light, BUT on the plus side, they will allow you to use your camera as an incident meter.

I use mine frequently, but to be honest, I don't know that I couldn't get along without it just fine.
thanks, yes they're a bit expensive but if they do the job then why not have one ;)
thanks, yes they're a bit expensive but if they do the job then why not have one ;)


Don't they come in different sizes for different lenses?

Yep - "ExpoDisc filters are available with quick pressure release friction mounts (in standard sizes, including 52mm, 58mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77mm, 82mm, 95mm,...)

And there are 2 versions - Portrait and Neutral

I would need 3 sizes of each version or 6 Expodisc's. No thanks!
well, you know what i mean and really they aren't that expensive through B&H
If you don't mind the odd looks you might get, you can do the same thing with a styrofoam cup. Those aren't hard to find for free.

Personally, I prefer the WhiBal.

The problem the ExpoDisc has is that it only balances for the light at the camera.

That may not be the same light hitting the subject. You can just hand a WhiBal to the subject (or place it near it if it's not a living person), and you will know that you will have perfect balance for the light actually falling on the subject.
i can use the flash meter with the expodish right?? i mean i know that all this costs some money but if it helps make the shots better and i wont have to do much editing im all for it...i hate editing:-P
i can use the flash meter with the expodish right??

I don't think I understand the question...

The ExpoDisc is only to set white balance - nothing else.
yes but if i use the expodisk and a flash meter and adjust correctly than it should turn out??? i don't have any of these things here in kuwait yet, have to wait to have them shipped so its a little hard to figure out how they will all work out together
and from what i have read you are supposed to be able to use the expodisk instead of a gray card
yes but if i use the expodisk and a flash meter and adjust correctly than it should turn out??? i don't have any of these things here in kuwait yet, have to wait to have them shipped so its a little hard to figure out how they will all work out together

and from what i have read you are supposed to be able to use the expodisk instead of a gray card

I think I understand now.

Yes, you *could*, but I don't think it would exactly be ideal.

I still prefer the WhiBal.

It is a gray card, so it is extremely easy to use as one.

Just get one big enough for your needs. The small (credit card sized) one is nice, but it would probably be too small is you intend to use it for metering as well as WB.

I would recommend at least the 'medium' one, which is close to 5x7 (I can't remember the exact dimensions.

I haven't checked prices recently, but I think it will be comparable to the ExpoDisc in cost.
thanks, yes they're a bit expensive but if they do the job then why not have one ;)


Don't they come in different sizes for different lenses?

Yep - "ExpoDisc filters are available with quick pressure release friction mounts (in standard sizes, including 52mm, 58mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77mm, 82mm, 95mm,...)

And there are 2 versions - Portrait and Neutral

I would need 3 sizes of each version or 6 Expodisc's. No thanks!

Get a larger one and for your smaller lenses, just hold it tight against it and shoot through, don't worry about screwing it in. I've seen that on youtube as an option that way you don't have to buy one for each different size. Hope that helps.

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