Facebook photographers

MM Turner

TPF Noob!
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Who here on here has a facebook page, and would be willing to become "friends", to share photography, feedback, ideas or whatever else is of interest?

If you want to, but don't want to put your contact information (for the facebook search), up on here, i'll send you mine over a private message. I'm dying to connect with some photographers but cincinnati doesn't seem to have many, or at least my age (18).
I hate hate hate it. Even when I upload sRGB, it still rips all the contrast out of my black and whites. Absolutely useless.
I use facebook,

i'm on the phoenix,AZ network ( I'm not living there yet though)

name: Nathan Block
Be careful with pictures on face book, once you upload them you agree that facebook can do what they want with them....

Also isnt this site
to share photography, feedback, ideas or whatever else is of interest?

I understand that its good for meeting similar people also try flikrs groups I know they have one for my local area, maybe you will find one that helps you
This is a good place to share things and ask questions and post photos for C&C, but I think its good to network in other places too. I have a Facebook page, so PM me and I'll add you to my page.
So if a photographer or a model uses facebook has more chances to spread is work I guess.

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